If you told them only the Bible they would not allow that person to get baptized
now that is true.
"would you like a free home bible study?
" the jws ask people at their door.. the problem is, the study is not free, and is not a bible study!.
not a bible study?
If you told them only the Bible they would not allow that person to get baptized
now that is true.
ok well per my post yesterday most of you know i was suddenly disfellowshipped after my letter of baptism nullification.
i called the presiding overseer to ask why.
i specifically listed in my letter that i was not to be disfellowshipped nor was i disassociating myself.
Yes the elder did say that it was a conscience matter for each individual as to whether to communicate with me or not and there would be no repercussions for their decission.
As your dad, an elder, will tell you, this is simply not true. Anyone who has had an announcement made about them like this is subject to total shunning by the congregation. Since it may stumble others who see it not being followed by some, the elders will enforce it, or the CO will.
Treating people in this way is not Christian, not what Jesus would do, but it is what the ORG insists on, and they are very strict in enforcing it, ever since Ray Franz left.
what actually validates your baptism?.
the water inmersion or saying yes to the trick questions?.
if b then you can say you never said yes...they would need to prove it with 2 witnesses which they will never come up with thus yout baptsim can be void and null?.
i would say that the org would say that it's the dedication that you're supposed to make to JH in prayre & in your heart...water immersion is just a symbolism of your dedication to others.
Yup, that's the official line.
well, got a call from my sound assistant...to see how i am doing.. this brother suffers from frequent feelings of low self-worth and is actually one of the people my wife and i feel comfortable talking with.
he asked where i have been...i said taking care of my wife.
i told him that my wife has expressed the very real possibility she will hurt herself to me...and that i couldn't live with myself if i was giving a talk at the congo and that happened.
I have been in a situation where I thought we were 'exchanging' feelings about the JWs, but later found it had all been reported back as me being the one who was stirring things up.
I know an elder who did this all the time, appear to agree, but really baiting the hook to catch a fish. That's why so many Witnesses keep their true feelings to themselves. FEAR.
i remember years ago at my kh there was a brother that was "very" heavy.
he was a very nice guy brother grover(not his real name) was very helpful to all of the elders and ministerial servants but he never became an elder.
i always wondered why and i think it was because he was "heavy".
Believe me, if elders had all the truly Christian qualities of love, empathy, concern, mercy, etc., and were overweight, I would be happy. But then if an elder is trim, muscular, and exercises all the time, but is cruel, unmerciful, a liar, etc., I would think that is what would disqualify him as a shepherd.
So true...but this is an Org. that encourages its members to judge one another. Their spirituality is not guaged on how well they apply christian values and qualities but how they look, are they seen at every meeting, dressed well. Are they seen on the ministry. Do they answer up a lot and so on. Are their clothes sufficiently out-dated. Is their haircut 'modest' whatever that means. It's no surprise that some may go further and look at their body weight to guage a persons spirituality.
ok well per my post yesterday most of you know i was suddenly disfellowshipped after my letter of baptism nullification.
i called the presiding overseer to ask why.
i specifically listed in my letter that i was not to be disfellowshipped nor was i disassociating myself.
He said they followed what my letter said, they did not announce that I was disfellowshipped or disassociated, but merely that I was no longer a witness.
Like I said many times before, THIS METHOD DOES NOT WORK. It did not work for you, since that announcement WILL result in shunning. It did not work for you, so you rework the wording? Like the elder said, he just announced you were no longer a Witness because you were no longer baptised!
THIS METHOD DOES NOT WORK. DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME ON IT. (If there was the remotest chance of there being a loophole like this, the Org. would close it right away)
im not sure whether sickoflies posted his audio file of his recent jc committee meeting and related disfellowshipping on this website or not yet, but if you havent listened to it, i encourage you to do so.
i know richierich (hang in there bro) is going through a tough time, and sickoflies must be having an equally tough time.
In the first JC, it was clear the main elder was too stupid or lazy to provide an answer beyond the basic insight book comment.
I notice up to now that noone has commented on the elders accusation that he was grieving the holy spirit. This is definitely not JW opinion, and would have constituted grounds for appeal on its own merit.
i remember years ago at my kh there was a brother that was "very" heavy.
he was a very nice guy brother grover(not his real name) was very helpful to all of the elders and ministerial servants but he never became an elder.
i always wondered why and i think it was because he was "heavy".
Most of the elders I know are FAT HEADS, does that count?
since our god is a merciful god, can we assume by now that the gb has asked jehovah for forgiveness of its mess, miss calculations, the un thing and so forth and he's forgiven them?
Has Jehovah forgiven the WTBS for its errors and moved on?
Moved on, well he's not with them!
Yes, finding an Elder that really qualified is very rare. So, their appointment must be a scam. You know, kiss the right butts, go to all the meetings, be SEEN on the 'ministry', and you must be a spiritually strong man suitable for promotion. Once you get the job, slip back on it all. You will still keep the job as long as you don't get too wild. After all, who can judge your efforts when the rest of the body is just as inactive?